
Please see last post for breeder reference information.

Collected at OC Flock Management Bowden Alberta

Breeder Reference - CLRC

I am Dee Avery and I appreciate the time you have taken to visit this KATAHDIN blog.

AVERY's Katahdin's dedicates our entire business focus on producing 100% purebred Katahdins that are Excellent Representatives of the Breed Standards

We welcome and promote farm visits to view our entire flock. Bio-security and No-Smoking protocols are in place.

We are located near Haynes, Alberta
(30 klms east of Red Deer on Hwy 11). 403-318-3590

(SINGLE Click on Photos to ENLARGE)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The "KIDS" have arrived

We finally found two little goat kids to help Miss Seren transfer to her outside digs. It is going to be a tough go as Seren is so imprinted on humans and the "house way of life". She is almost indignant that she has to share her bathroom with them.  These are the two smallest from a set of quads. They are also two of the weirdest looking goats I have ever seen. They are Saanen Boer X. As for names, I'm thinking by spring their names will both be GONE!
Doeling with ears that just don't quit

Buckling that is maybe 4# at 12 days of age

And because they scream like banshee's,
Chrissy tries to protect them from whatever is
making them scream.