
Please see last post for breeder reference information.

Collected at OC Flock Management Bowden Alberta

Breeder Reference - CLRC

I am Dee Avery and I appreciate the time you have taken to visit this KATAHDIN blog.

AVERY's Katahdin's dedicates our entire business focus on producing 100% purebred Katahdins that are Excellent Representatives of the Breed Standards

We welcome and promote farm visits to view our entire flock. Bio-security and No-Smoking protocols are in place.

We are located near Haynes, Alberta
(30 klms east of Red Deer on Hwy 11). 403-318-3590

(SINGLE Click on Photos to ENLARGE)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

DJA93Y & 106Y have become My TWO Moms

DJA93Y-Hope  &   DJA106Y-Canada gave birth right beside each other. I came home in time to learn whose lambs were whose, BUT everybody bonded as a group. Lambs drink from which ever mom is closest, and moms will feed any of the four. 93Ys lambs are the brown ones and 106Ys are the white ones. Three girls and one little boy. This will be an interesting "social" experiment to see how long they stay together as a family unit. 
The three ewe lambs weighed in at 10 lbs each and the ram lamb 9.5 lbs.
Both Mom's favor the brown twins
CANADA gets a hug from her daughter
HOPE babysits all four while CANADA goes to eat
Drinking from two moms can cause you to pass out !

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