
Please see last post for breeder reference information.

Collected at OC Flock Management Bowden Alberta

Breeder Reference - CLRC

I am Dee Avery and I appreciate the time you have taken to visit this KATAHDIN blog.

AVERY's Katahdin's dedicates our entire business focus on producing 100% purebred Katahdins that are Excellent Representatives of the Breed Standards

We welcome and promote farm visits to view our entire flock. Bio-security and No-Smoking protocols are in place.

We are located near Haynes, Alberta
(30 klms east of Red Deer on Hwy 11). 403-318-3590

(SINGLE Click on Photos to ENLARGE)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bring in the High Test

Took the pregnant ewes off Haylage and brought in our Excellent Hay from Alix Colony. We have always hand fed, but thought we'd plunk a whole bale in and see just how much gets wasted. Have a bale feeder, but it isn't big enough for these square bales. Have to let them eat it down then throw the feeder on. 
We are 6 weeks from our first possible due date. April 01/2013

Well, It only took 5 days for these yahoo's to knock down 1/2 of a 1500# bale. The feeder still had to be tied together, as it's only 6' long and these bales are 8' long. Have to go into farmer mode and get this figured out before the next bale goes in. Too much money on the ground AND it costs extra to clean it up. 

1 comment:

  1. Just a suggestion, we used large round bales this year (along with small squares). We used swine panels cut and tied together for the bales. We cut out a small section and alternated that with one up and one down. It works like a charm. as the bale gets smaller they push on the panels and since they are just tied together the collapse together. This allows them to eat with very little waste. Will try and post some picks to the blog in the next week for you to see what I mean.
